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WPF Hall of Fame - Recognizing Excellence

Admin's Featured Poem Pick of the Week for October 6, 2003

" Cathedral Birds "

While I waited,
I languished in the forest,
reading Hart Crane

Moths giddy with love
chased sunlight that filtered
through pine like candle flame

I was content, reading
a sad man's poems, knowing
you sipped a woman
like sweet wine

There was a time,
when you entered me,
a deep cathedral of birches.
I was strong in our victory,
I would bend, I would not break.

The forest sighs, its owls
have heard me pray. If it starts
to rain in earnest,
will song birds drown?

In the love-sleep of trees,
birds call to one another,
making me want to be silent
mouth the words
I love you while my lungs
fill up with water.

© 2003 Laurie Byro

* This Week's Honorable Mentions:

* Honorable Mentions are in no particular order.

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